As forecast in the Autumn 2019 Newsletter, construction by Baxall PLC of the Southborough Community Hub began in November. Completion of building work is expected in early 2021, followed by fitting of furniture. By mid-January 2020, foundations for the Hub/medical centre, tarmac base to rear car park, service pipes, surface water storage tank and drains had all been completed.
In the course of excavation, two hitherto unrecorded wells were found. These have now been capped and filled in; the SHAAS think that they were probably relics of late Georgian/Victorian domestic or light industrial use.
The Town Council Planning Committee will be considering how to deal with vehicles parked on Yew Tree Road near the junction with the Ridgewaye at the weekends during the football season. Some alleviation of the problem might result when a parking facility for the new sports pavilion becomes available.
Most of Southborough and High Brooms residents will have noticed that the stone horse drinking trough, which stood by the side of the A26, near the cricket pitch, has been stolen. Although it was no longer needed for its original purpose, and in recent times was used as an attractive planter for flowers, the drinking trough was a piece of local history, and valued as such. All are surely shocked by the greedy vandalism which must have motivated the thieves, hoping, no doubt, to sell the trough at a high price.
Michael Dunn, Planning Officer.
Stolen: Documented in 2013 ‘Horse Trough on Sceptre Hill, Southborough’ by Rhys Kinghorn.